VMware Books I recommend

This is a very short list. There are many, many quality books out there, especially by VMware press, but I think these are the ones I would recommend to a fellow administrator to learn, grow and manage the growth. 

The links have my amazon affiliate ID so if you buy them through here I get a slight cut (someday).

Starter books everyone should read

Mastering VMware vSphere 6 excellent reference book to take you from zero to managing an environment. I linked the latest version (6 GA) but they are good at releasing it for the major versions.

Networking for VMware Administrators excellent guide to delve into networking, and I love that he included pictures of physical connectors and general networking topics. This is great if you feel you haven't taken a real networking course or as a refresher.

Design and Architecture

VMware vSphere Design best book out there as far as real world VMware design reference.

IT Architect: Foundation in the Art of Infrastructure Design there simply is no other book out there like this one, especially if your goal is to reach VCDX level one day.

Deep dives to become a better VMware engineer

Host Resources Deep Dive is a book I was eagerly awaiting since I heard the authors on the Datanauts podcast. My main two reasons were the quality of the authors, and also, there haven't been many deep dive, tech books after the first wave of vSphere 5 books. VMware tech advances and yet people seem to continue doing the same mistakes - this book helps explain commonly misunderstood settings and scenarios. I will put a review in Amazon once I read it!