VMware communities and CloudCred

VMware communities (also known as VMTN)

If you haven't yet, make sure you make a VMware communities user. This allows you to participate in the forums (best place for when you can't find an answer but don't want to call in a ticket) as well as product betas. There's even a points system for helping others out.



CloudCred is a game created and maintained by VMware where completing challenges gets you points, and those points can give you prizes. You want to read this before anything else to understand how awesome this platform is:


Amazing isn't it! I told myself I wanted to try this. Here are my tips (I'm a newbie at this)

Here is my CloudCred public profile https://www.cloudcredibility.com/profile/public/15759 

I'm currently helping the vBrownBag LATAM team grow :)

I'll see you on the leaderboard!